
Join. Book. Take off.

Flights between Rouyn-Noranda and Montreal every day

Edgard now offers a round-trip shuttle service between Rouyn-Noranda and Montreal available from Monday to Friday.









Plan flights

The co-charter prices displayed are for a general guideline. GST - QST taxes are included.

Book your seats online

Edgard offers access to vacant seats on private flights for you and your employees. We offer a solution to optimize your time and reduce operating costs. Apply to become a member to take advantage of all Edgard benefits. Edgard provide flights for companies to make the most of their working hours. Work freely with the flexibility of air charter, without the stress.

What do you need to do?

Different services are available to you

Edgard is an aggregator

Edgard is an aggregator of airline services, as well as a distributor and seller of seats available on co-chartered flights.

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Why Edgard?

TRAVEL ON YOUR OWN TERMS – Reach more destinations and spend more time where you want. Speed up your commute with direct access to many destinations

Become a member
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